Wednesday 25 April 2012

Greetings, travellers

My name's Matt, and this is my blog. It's about language and other things, progressively more other things and less language [07/07/14].

Language sounds boring, doesn't it? Well, it's not. It's art, and there's so much to say about it. Like why 'totes' doesn't belong in anyone's colloquial English vocabulary (please see post number two), and why verbing nouns is super fun (work in progress). I don't care much about the correct use of apostrophes, commas, ellipses and so on.... What? Okay, fine. I do. I mean, how can I not cringe at the sight of a 'who's' that should be a 'whose', or not stab my eyes with blades at a misused apostrophe? You understand. Anyway, I'm more concerned with the aspects of language less commonly discussed, and the aforementioned 'other things'.

Stuff about me you might care to know:
  • I'm a born again Christian, but I do not perpetually judge non-Christians for their beliefs. That would be like judging a dead person for being dead.
  • I have a First Class Honours degree in English Literature, a degree in Philosophy, and an Advanced Diploma in Applied Writing.
  • I've owned a second hand iPhone and a first hand Android. iPhones are better.
  • One of my pet peeves is the deployment of pedestrian crossings right next to roundabouts. I still don't understand it.
  • I cried at the ending of How To Train Your Dragon because it was non-cryptically poetic.
  • Twelve Angry Men is the worst film ever. It sure made me angry! Heh heh heh...
  • My super power is the ability to clap quite loudly with one hand.
  • Bad jokes and puns make my day
  • I'm an introvert
  • I'm writing a fantasy novel!

That's all for now.


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